

The day begins in the homeroom. A few students are still reminded to tie shoes or tuck in shirts. Almost all come into the assembly chattering and laughing. Quickly, through reminder and routine, students find their seats, sit up straight, and begin to become quiet. Mornings in homeroom begin with prayer, followed by a devotion, then announcements by the teachers. A day has begun, almost always on a structured and positive note. The positive emphasis is carried into the classroom. A look into the rooms reveals teachers quizzing students, encouraging individuals to ask questions, and engaging in conversation. Small classroom sizes allow for personal interaction, which facilitates bonds between teachers and students. These bonds build trust that the teachers are not merely marking hours, but are truly interested in the person sitting at a desk. Positive interaction also includes reinforcement of the structured discipline of the school. Teachers remind students to attend to their clothing and appearance. Students are instructed to take responsibility for their homework, their behavior, and their attitude. The benefits of discipline slowly and surely take root. Coupled with discipline is reward and accountability. Reward comes through praise for a job well done, the good will built between students and teachers, opportunities for trips “off campus,” and the self-rewards that come through maturity. Disadvantages accrued through misbehavior can include detention, “8th period” after school with a teacher, room restriction, loss of privilege to go on trips, and other measures. At the end of the school day students report to teachers for extra help with their academic responsibilities One could say the day is busy, but the better view is that the day is filled with instruction and activities to foster growth and maturity. The academic day may end at Datus, but student life continues. Extra-curricular activities after school segue into later club activities, dinner in the dining hall, and life in the dormitory. At the evening meal, students dine and interact with the small children of the Datus campus. These boarding students begin to establish routines with friends around the evening meals, and for a moment the demands of academic life are set aside for hearty meals and wholesome friendships.